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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Google Play. Tampilkan semua postingan

Introducing Google Play Asset Delivery

Posted by Dan Galpin , Developer Advocate Two years ago, we introduced the Android App Bundle, a new publishing format that allows Google Pl...
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Answers to your questions about app signing by Google Play

Posted by Dom Elliott, Product Manager, Google Play Google Play's first priority is to build a trusted, safe, and secure platform for b...
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Building user trust through more transparent subscriptions

Posted by Angela Ying, Product Manager, Google Play For many developers, subscriptions are an important part of your business. Google Play h...
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Promoting high-quality, teacher-approved kids content on Google Play

Posted by Michael Watson, Product Manager, Google Play With more kids spending time at home, parents are looking for ways to find apps and g...
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Google Play updates and information: Resources for developers

Posted by Sam Tolomei , Business Development Manager, Google Play In these unprecedented times, Google Play's mission to support you, en...
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Meet the finalists of the Google Play Indie Games Festival

Posted by Leticia Lago, Head of Developer Marketing, EMEA At the start of this year we opened submissions for 2020’s Google Play Indie Games...
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Unveiling expert insights in our new podcast series: Apps, Games, & Insights

Posted by Lily Sheringham , Global Marketing, Platforms & Ecosystems UPDATE: We have updated the launch date of some of the episodes due...
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Update on Google at GDC 2020

Posted by the Google for Games Team Last Friday, GDC 2020 organizers made the difficult decision to postpone the conference. We understand ...
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Safer and More Transparent Access to User Location

Posted by Krish Vitaldevara, Director of Product Management Trust & Safety, Google Play Last year, we made several changes to our platfo...
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How we fought bad apps and malicious developers in 2019

Posted by Andrew Ahn, Product Manager, Google Play + Android App Safety Google Play connects users with great digital experiences to help th...
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Enter the Indie Games Festival from Google Play

Posted by Patricia Correa, Director, Developer Marketing The indie developer community released several fantastic titles on Google Play duri...
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Still Using InstallBroadcast? Switch to the Play Referrer API by March 1, 2020

Posted by Marcus Leal, Product Manager, Google Play Ads How do people find your app? It’s the million-dollar question for any developer, and...
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Modern app and game distribution on Google Play

Posted by Kobi Glick, Product Lead, Google Play Today we’re kicking off Playtime, our annual event series where we host developers from all ...
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