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Google Play updates and information: Resources for developers

Posted by Sam Tolomei , Business Development Manager, Google Play In these unprecedented times, Google Play's mission to support you, en...
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Meet the finalists of the Google Play Indie Games Festival

Posted by Leticia Lago, Head of Developer Marketing, EMEA At the start of this year we opened submissions for 2020’s Google Play Indie Games...
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Google for Games Developer Summit March 2020

Posted by Greg Hartrell, Head of Product Management, Games on Android & Google Play While we're sorry we didn't get to see you a...
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Android 11: Developer Preview 2

Posted by Dave Burke, VP of Engineering It’s been a difficult few months for many around the world. The Android team at Google is a global o...
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Handling Nullability in Android 11 and Beyond

Posted by David Winer , Kotlin Product Manager Last May at Google I/O, we announced that Android was going Kotlin first, and now over 60% o...
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Unveiling expert insights in our new podcast series: Apps, Games, & Insights

Posted by Lily Sheringham , Global Marketing, Platforms & Ecosystems UPDATE: We have updated the launch date of some of the episodes due...
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Update on Google at GDC 2020

Posted by the Google for Games Team Last Friday, GDC 2020 organizers made the difficult decision to postpone the conference. We understand ...
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Data Encryption on Android with Jetpack Security

Posted by Jon Markoff, Staff Developer Advocate, Android Security Have you ever tried to encrypt data in your app? As a developer, you want...
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